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Why I Chose To Play The Underdog As One Of My Storylines

It's just a storyline

By now if you have been following my work you know that I have been on a journey for quite some time specifically with relation to the whole "change your thoughts," "change your life" theme.

In what I will call my first cycle, I became consciously aware of my thoughts and the corresponding emotions that went along with those thoughts. And therefore started to learn how to master(so-to-speak), being able to change my thoughts in order to receive a different correlating emotional response, and therefore different actions and outcomes as well.

As I continue on this journey I am led to a new understanding. This definitely corresponds with a quote I came up with that still holds true today,

"You only know what you know, until you know something else." Lisa

What I know more than ever is that you and I are not our thoughts. The short and simple of it is that if we were our thoughts you would not be able to change them, and therefore experience other "life-changing" perspectives.

My most recent discovery has to do with the storylines you and I are playing day in and day out, 365. Storylines are strung together thoughts with correlating emotional responses. You and I are no more our storylines than we are our thoughts. They are the same thing.

I was meditating last night and came upon a thought process that was playing itself out in my mind having to do with the storyline of the underdog that I have played in my life.

As I observed the process with no emotional attachment(as an observer outside of the process looking in), I realize that so many of my life's decisions have been played from this role. The role of the what I am calling the underdog.

Yes it goes back to my parents!

I had been desiring for them to see me as they have always seen me. As their "little girl." I had not wanted to move from this role because there are some areas I believed they would be disappointed about.

Upon further observation this has to do with the love and acceptance of a parent to a child.

Believe me I know!

Nobody wants to discuss the hurt or the pain that comes with knowing or revisiting certain realizations. But believe it or not, this is yet another storyline. A form of protecting the self-image program.

And although the storyline feels true simply by virtue of how long it's been playing and the emotional responses, decisions and actions that go along with it, I realize it is simply a storyline.

I look forward to further observations as this and the many storylines of life unfold.

Stay tuned for further writings.

Please share your comments and experiences as your own storylines begin to unfold.


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