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Childhood Trauma & It's Relationship To Autoimmune Disease

Writer's picture: Lisa ScottLisa Scott

I became interested in this topic after being diagnosed a couple of years ago with arthritis.

As a Manifest & Brain Balancing Coach my belief is that anything can be cured. It's simply a matter of the when and the how even if that understanding isn't readily available as of yet. It is also my belief that everything is connected and that the communication of illness, not being our natural order, has it's roots in some way, shape or form in the sub/unconscious communication we are having within ourselves which starts in our early years.

The evidence has been growing for years on how our body's neurology is impacted by the emotions and feelings we're harboring on the inside that gets trapped energetically which in turn yields symptoms - all prompting and trying to get our attention to lead us back to neurological balance. It was this interest and through my own personal experience of having healed myself of certain symptoms in the past that caused me to reach out to Dr. Russell Kennedy to have this most engaging interview to get his perspectice on childhood trauma and it's relationship to autoimmune disease.

I highly recommend Dr. Russell's award winning book, Anxiety RX which has assisted me in having much less painful flare ups due to arthritis pain and to me surprise, has also assisted me to be more present, more consistently. Find out how and why in the interview. Enjoy.

Lisa Scott, B.MSC., Metaphysician, Brain Balancing & Manifest Coach

About Me:

Around 12 y.o., I stepped into the state of being of a teacher in order to assist myself from having a hard time, to getting a 'B' in the class through the use of imagination. I've since manifested the following and more:

-Working as an educator for one of my areas largest healthcare organizations without the normally required bachelors degree

-Working a part-time job making full-time money also through the use of imagination

-And I also took my current self back and visited my younger self, giving voice to my younger self and healing an entire timeline of blocked energies and unconscious limiting thoughts, among lots of other manifestings.

-My husband.

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