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Writer's pictureLisa Scott

How I Wrote My Perfect Business Day Into Existence

I remember the day I experienced my perfect day in business exactly as I wrote it.

As a previous Manifest Coach I am familiar with a great deal of the methods and techniques of manifesting something into reality.

And of all of the approaches I've taught and personally used, going inside of your desired state of being as if it's already occurring is the most effective and consistent. I remind you that manifesting something into reality is what we're doing all the time, everyday, all day. Manifesting is not a technique. It's simply, to make something clear or obvious. It's also, to display or show by one's acts or appearance - to demonstrate. People have really done a number on what it means to manifest. They've turned it into some hocus pocus nonsense when it's all we're ever doing.

There are various ways to go inside of a state of being as if it's already occuring.

But first, why is going inside of a state of being..of your desired state, important or how does it benefit you?

Because if you're already there, there's no longer any questions about getting there. If you're already there you're no longer worried about how.

Being there already informs your body and self-identity, about the state from within it and not from outside of it.

When I decided to go inside of the state of my perfect day in business I chose writing as my vehicle of expression.

When I decide I'm going to write something into existence or rather, to change position, perspective or to change the coordinates of where my current direction is headed based on what I'm currently thinking(unconsciously) I get intentional because I'm literally about to wipe my previous state clean by asking myself certain questions and determining if what I'm currently thinking is even true. This is not always my process. But it's definitely one of the most remarkable ones to me. Why/how do I notice asking myself questions, works? Because asking questions, starting with my desired outcome, and in my case we'll say, my perfect business day, allows me to feel the reprogramming of my internal responses based on hearing myself state the answer or whether what i am currently thinking is my truth or simply something I've been living with as a program for a long time.

Example of a question I'd ask myself when writing about my perfect business day is, how do I want to feel, daily. Or how do I want to feel when talking to my clients?

Your question is only the beginning and will go from there. Sometimes I don't even need to write. I'll simply lie in my bed when it's quiet and I'm about to fall off to sleep, because it's at this time that the conscious mind is not trying to fight you with what it deems as, rational, and I'll go inside myself and my bodily reactions, based on a particular pattern I'm noticing that I want to get rid of for once and for all, and see where the pattern originated. If I can't locate where the pattern originated I'm usually guided to what to do next or where to start from in the redirection or recreation process. This time I simply spent some time with myself in quiet and allowed my heart and body to share with me what I desired to experience as my perfect business.

I realized immediately that my perfect day included way more than business.

Some of what I wrote about my perfect day

As I felt my way through my perfect business day I allowed myself to process every single aspect, from what time I want my body to wake up, and without an alarm, to the humorous, easy-going and yet, self-responsible, brilliant, respectful and fun demeanor of my clients.

-The day is warm with a slight breeze and my client and I are outside having our session. Even before I saw Oprah sitting outside under a tree doing interviews on her Super Soul Sunday show, it's what I envisioned myself doing with my clients. -There's a river nearby and birds are flying by.

-The day is free-flowing and easy like a breeze. And I'm providing my client the most profound transformation they've ever had. There's a lot more detail. But this is the gist.

I was instructed from within to capture this moment in my heart

The night before one of my clients and I were to have my 2-HR VIP session which would have normally taken place by a zoom video, my client contacted me asking if I'd mind doing the session in person near her home because it was going to be such a beautiful day outside.

I didn't mind at all and didn't think much of it. I just remember smiling to myself because this would be my first time doing a session outside.

My client said we'd be meeting under a gazebo. This was just great! I love gazebos!

The next day I got up and got ready and traveled approximately 30 minutes to the park where we were going to meet.

It was an absolutely beautiful day and the ride was easy and scenic. The park and gazebo area were beautiful.

As my client and I sat and talked I noticed we were sitting right next to a river. The sun glistened and danced while a single bird flew by.

I couldn't help but notice the bird when my heart said, Take a snapshot of this moment. It was the very moment I'd written approximately several weeks before. Once I'd written my perfect day and because I believed what I'd written to be true because it was from the depths of my heart, I had already started to experience the day and my clients as if it were already happening. It was.

How my unique energy type guides my ability to write something into existence

I won't bore you with a bunch of complex details about Human Design.

However I enjoy looking back on experiences I've already had before knowing anything about Human Design and understanding how the various gates, lines and centers have been playing themselves out in my life.

My Human Design map carries a defined Gate 46 with an influence of line 2. (46.2): Being in the right place at the right time.

"We are one who lives the good fortune and discovery of serendipity. Whether we succeed or fail is dependent on the determination of our higher selves. This is an abstract process of surrender to a cycle of experience that can fulfill our potential or bring chaos." The Daily View

My Human Design map carries the Cognition: Inner Vision

Cognition refers to a specific aspect of how you uniquely process information and perceive the world. It’s part of the deeper mechanics that influence your sensory awareness, often described as your "super sense." This helps you navigate life by tapping into a more intuitive, bodily awareness that goes beyond mental understanding.

Inner Vision: "In the realm of Human Design, the Inner Vision Sense holds a significant role in influencing our perception of self and the world around us. This sense is rooted in introspection and personal intuition, allowing for a deeper understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Our Inner Vision Sense is more than just a reflective tool; it shapes our cognitive processes, decisions, and interactions with others. It acts as a personal compass, guiding us through life’s complexities and challenges based on our internal insights and intuitive understanding."

Your worries are your answers

I cannot leave this post without talking about the topics of worry and fear. Now that I think about it these are the same thing.

And because I've worked with so many women professionals regarding this, it sticks out to me, and I learned a long time ago, that the very things an individual may be concerned about and therefore hesitant to take themselves into your desired state of being, are simultaneously, the answer.

For example

Are you worried that your new coordinates/direction/state of being won't have what you consider to be, the right people there? This worry is your answer. Write about who the right people are right down to what they smell like. Are you worried that your current family dynamics aren't what you'd like them to be? Write about what you want your family dynamics to be like right down to the laughter you hear in the kitchen while delicious food is being cooked. I find that the more detailed you are in your writing the more you're convincing yourself and your body's neurology, it's in the state of accepting what you're writing as true.

After all, the brain doesn't know the difference between what we're thinking about and what we're calling reality or even rational. Period.

I'll leave you with a quote by one of my favorite mentors who's no longer with us, Neville Goddard.

It is not what you want that you attract; You attract what you believe to be true. Neville Goddard


I'm Lisa Scott. Some of my roles have been - Metaphysician & Spiritual Counselor, Manifest Coach & Psych-K Facilitator - specializing in being an intuitive guide to womenpreneurs & career-pivoting women's further acceptance of who you see yourself as now and the acceptance of ease you're ready for as you decondition from the entrepreneurial & corporate matrix & Answer The Call To Your Soul-Calling, whatever that may be and mean for you, by learning How To Stop Worrying About The HOW.

As your guide I go beyond the conscious 10% responsible for your daily functioning, personality and reality.

I go into the unconscious mind responsible for 90% of your reality- The storehouse where every emotion, action, reaction, feeling, etc., that you've ever had, resides. I uncover the particular program(s) running that u are not consciously aware of, bring awareness, & then rewire the energetic circuitry- the synaptic connections it's been running on, & with me as ur Guide, rewrite a new program to be downloaded into your unconscious, releasing you from the relentless emotional pain that's been taking up room & board within you for so many years.

According to human Design I'm a: 6/2(Role Model/Hermit) Emotional Projector Single Definition Quad Right (100% receptive) Left Angle Cross Of Alignment Conscious Sun: 27.6 Digestion: Indirect Light Environment: Caves Cognition: Inner Vision Strongest Sense: Judgement

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